Our Blue Badge Access Awards (BBAAs) are happening again in October 2023 and one of the coveted Awards – NOT! – is Ludicrous Loo. They are toilets that could be accessible but are not due to ludicrous use of storage, bad design or missing equipement such as a grab rail.
We are also highlighting the lack of awareness regarding accessibility, from the stupid to the Grade II Listed Building excuse to exclude access for all. BUT as Historic England says ‘it’s our history as well’ and access should be of the utmost importance.
Here are some examples and if you know any please nominate here or via the BBAA website, info@bluebadgeaccessawards.com. Photos are welcome.
First is the Hyatt Birmingham
This was highlighted by a reader a couple of years ago. Not exactly a Loo but a Stupid Shower! Since when do you put an armchair in a shower and call it accessible??
2ND the Ludicrous Loo at the 5 Star Corinthia Hotel.
We went for lunch at Kerridges Bar & Grill and asked for the nearest disabled toilet. Not only did we have to wait 5 minutes for someone to escort us, they eventually directed us to a toilet that was closed due to cleaning. We then went down one floor and found the toilet which was very plush and the only toilet I’ve ever heard recite poetry through the speaker. The only issue was – you guessed it – the red emergency cord didn’t reach the floor. Unlike the usual problem of it being tied up this was simply not long enough – one for the Red Cord campaign to make toilets safer at Euan’s Guide, read more & click here.
We’ve also noticed they have no mention of accessibility on their site either of the hotel or their rooms!! However, Kerridge’s was accessible with a gentleman’s club vibe. 2 BBS Ticks.
3RD is Paris Restaurant and Bar in Nottingham
They used the old GradeII Listed excuse as sent in by another reader:
“Went to Paris restaurant on High Pavement Nottingham for a meal. I walk with a rollator. Only toilet was downstairs. No accessible toilet available. Told they couldn’t do one as the building was Grade 2 listed.”
We got no response from the restaurant but they should realise this is a matter of public health and if they don’t have one they should direct you to a venue that does. This is one for the EHRC (Equality & Human Rights Commission).
Finally you can see the winners from 2021/22 here and they include a loo used to store a piano, another storing beer kegs and the ultimate from Wagamama storage of fresh food!! EEEK.