To be able to invent, you need to be able to bring creativity and imagination together with logic and reason. These are all qualities that we like to think that we possess, but we’ve found some creations that are indicative of inventors who had a severely misguided sense of their own abilities. They’re a wide range of utterly terrible ideas. Sometimes you come across an invention which solves a problem you never even knew you had, but these comical creations attempt to solve problems nobody will ever have. They make you wonder: if this is the answer then what was the question?

They say that necessity is the mother of invention, so these creations must all come from motherless homes. Take a look at these useless, pointless and downright stupid ideas:

Diet Water – for when zero is still too many calories?


Loo Roll Hat – because you wouldn’t want to look like an idiot rummaging around your bag for tissues


The Butter Stick – solves a problem you never knew existed and still don’t believe exists.


The Banana Holder – Finally somewhere to store your perfectly formed banana


But you’re probably wondering where you would put your banana when you’re on your bike. Wonder no longer…

The Bicycle Banana Holder


Shoe Umbrellas – for those occasions where you only want to keep your feet dry


Inflatable Dart Board – What could possibly go  wrong? 


Handerpants – hilarious ironic novelty gloves. Probably get as much use as the inflatable dart board.


The Noodle Fan – not a fan of noodles, but a fan for noodles


And the all time worst….

Battery Powered Battery Charger (batteries not included) – you get out what you put in.


As you can see, coming up with useful ideas isn’t easy. As hard as the people behind them must have tried, there just wasn’t a market for the butter stick, shoe umbrellas or inflatable dart boards. However, at Blue Badge Style we’ve come up with an idea that really will help people…

Our Pictorial Access Descriptions (PADs) are photographic, click-through guides of a building’s accessibility. Any venue can put one on their website so that less able customers can see the pros and cons of accessing the building before they arrive. They can help give potential customers peace of mind and they’re really easy to use and understand, giving a clear representation of accessibility. We think they can really make a difference if venues start to use them.

Don’t take our word for it, have a look for yourself by clicking here to find out more about PADs.

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