Blue Badge Access Awards ‘Celebrating exceptional venues, organisations & people that welcome everyone’ Nominations for 2023/24 Are now closed. However, entries to the Design Competition are open until spring 2024. The Winners Announced for 2023/24 The Blue Badge Access Awards 2023/24 Winners The winners of the prestigious BLUE BADGE ACCESS AWARDS 2023 were announced at…
The Blue Badge Access Awards – founded by Blue Badge Style & Bespoke Hotels, is the only dedicated global award scheme promoting stylish accessibility across hotels, restaurants and other venues – is now reaching the final of the 2023/24 Awards cycle. Tickets to final are selling fast for the most inclusive and fun night of…
BBS and our Blue Badge Access Awards gets a mention in the Times ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… TRAVEL DOCTOR The six mistakes to avoid when booking an accessible room Finding somewhere to stay to suit guests with mobility issues is not always easy — these are the common pitfalls to swerve Julia Brookes Thursday May 18 2023, 12.01am,…
The Benefits of ACT for Recovery After a Life-Changing Injury If you have been through a serious injury or trauma, then you may have been advised to opt for the gold standard treatment for trauma, stress, anxiety, and depression—cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). You may not yet have heard of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), since it is…
Ways You Can Support an Elderly Parent or Someone Who is Disabled Elderly living can often be a tough thing to deal with. Although the world is adapting and becoming more facilitating for elderly people as our population ages, there is no denying it has the potential to be a very hard life as you…
Physical and Mental Disabilities: Signs that a Senior Should No Longer be Living Alone The number of physical and mental disabilities that can potentially rob a senior of their ability to live alone is indefinite. It is indefinite because the assertion is generally not made on the basis of a diagnosis alone. The cause itself…
In case you haven’t heard, King Charles’ Coronation is set to take place on Saturday, May 6th, followed by a national bank holiday on Monday, May 8th. Yippee! Whether you’re royalist, republican or just don’t care you’ll love these tipples to enjoy over the bank holiday. To coincide with the historical event, the drink experts…
Our Leader Fiona Jarvis gave a good account of the need for hospitality venues to improve accessibility for disabled people…..’unfortunately it will only become urgent when a hotel owner or manager becomes disabled’… Hear more in this video from The Hotel, Restaurant & Catering Show – London March 2023.
Having problems with carers and yes it is due to BREXIT, has made me hope for the time when robots can do their job, see our previous post on the subject. They may not have the human touch but they preserve your dignity, they’re always there when you need them and no job is too…