Blue Badge Access Awards ‘Celebrating exceptional venues, organisations & people that welcome everyone’ Nominations for 2023/24 Are now closed. However, entries to the Design Competition are open until spring 2024. The Winners Announced for 2023/24 The Blue Badge Access Awards 2023/24 Winners The winners of the prestigious BLUE BADGE ACCESS AWARDS 2023 were announced at…

BBS and our Blue Badge Access Awards gets a mention in the Times ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… TRAVEL DOCTOR The six mistakes to avoid when booking an accessible room Finding somewhere to stay to suit guests with mobility issues is not always easy — these are the common pitfalls to swerve Julia Brookes Thursday May 18 2023, 12.01am,…

The Benefits of ACT for Recovery After a Life-Changing Injury If you have been through a serious injury or trauma, then you may have been advised to opt for the gold standard treatment for trauma, stress, anxiety, and depression—cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). You may not yet have heard of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), since it is…