Our Crowdfunder campaign starts 24th Oct 2017 to create more product in the ADDIT+ON Collection. Get involved and fund our efforts here – there are Rewards! Here’s what we want to create: ………………………………………………………………………………………….. BBS (Blue Badge Style) ADDITI+ON Ltd. is the company behind DRINK the inclusive glass holder and is the first in the ADDITI+ON collection of accessories – for people who have their…

Update 2017: Here’s 2 useful resources on wheelchair powerpacks 1. Mobility Smart have a comprehensive list of what’s available (none are very stylish 🙁 ) and 2. RICA who advise on what to consider when buying. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Although this was published 2 years ago we know that power packs haven’t changed that much and here’s a review…

For those of you following our journey on Spark programme with The Design Council (read more here), you’ll realise we’re about to create something new for the Blue Badge Style ‘movement’ – A New Brand, the ADDITI+ON collection of accessories ‘for people who have their hands full’. Here’s what it means and why we think…

The day before DRINK was at No. 10 and last night Blue Badge Style attended a brilliant event on #Assistive Technology hosted at The Speaker’s House (he was out for the night)! Organised by Shaw Trust/Disabled Living Foundation. Great ideas on how assistive devices help everyone at one time or another – none are immune to disability even if…

The ‘D’ List features new things in the world of disability and here’s our latest round up. 1st The WHEEL PAD a new concept in accessible homes. It’s a temporary home that accommodates a family member that needs extra support due to a sudden disability. It’s a temporary bedroom and bathroom that can be attached to…