All New Blue Badge Access Awards with a mission……….
Inspiring better design
Celebrating exceptional venus
Improving accessibility for all
We’ve combined our previous Blue Badge Style Awards with Bespoke Access & Leonard Cheshire Disability and we’re now The Blue Badge Access Awards.
You can nominate your favourite place at the website
Categories & Criteria
Choose from the following categories and tell us why they deserve an award.
- Most Inclusive Building/Interior Design
- Best Hotel x 2 (Upmarket and Boutique, ‘Bespoke Award’)
- Best Bar x 2 (Upmarket and Budget)
- Best Restaurant x 2 (Upmarket, ‘Conran Award’ – and Budget)
- Best Accessible Toilet
- Ludicrous Loo
- Above & Beyond (Includes Hospitality & Corporates)
- People’s Choice Award – The Euan’s Guide Award
- Best Venue in a Listed Building (Historic England Award)
- Inclusive Employment Award (Leonard Cheshire)
- Employee of the Year
Example of a Ludicrous Loo – the Award no one wants to win – below. Where retracting bar for easy transfer is next to the wall!! Send your examples of Ludicrous Loos, with pics, here.
The criteria are:
- A certain style (nothing to do with £££ just somewhere a little different)
- Access for all and at least one disabled toilet!
- A welcoming ambience.
Nominations close 3rd May 2019 and the shortlist will be open to a public vote. The Awards ceremony will be open to all and is on 2nd Oct 2019 – SAVE THE DATE IT WILL BE FUN!! keep following to get the latest news at Twitter @bluebadgeaccess.