There are more than enough different kinds of barrier for the average less able holidaymaker, so we think that it’s important to try and make sure that, when you travel, you minimise the language barrier as much as possible. In our recent list of tips for a more accessible holiday we recommended learning some key words and phrases, or at least printing them out, before you go on holiday so that, when you get there, you can communicate what you need.
Now, to make things easier, we’ve put some key phrases together in one place. On this page you’ll find some key accessibility phrases in Spanish, Italian, French and German. They’re basic, easy to use and hopefully encompass the most important words you’ll need on holiday. We didn’t want to overdo it and flood people with of complicated grammatical differences (we’re British so we believe that nobody needs to learn an entire language before going on holiday). We think that these should be enough to get your point across in a simple way and hopefully you should be able to find what you need here. We’ve tried to keep it concise but let us know if you think there are any crucial terms we’ve missed that would be helpful to include. Otherwise, have a look, print them out and take them as helpful phrasebooks for holidays abroad.
There’s not much more to say other than felices vacaciones, buon viaggio, bon voyage and schöne Ferien!
Disabled – Incapacidad
I’m disabled – Soy minusválido (physically) / Soy deficiente mental (mentally)
Accessible – accesible
Wheelchair – silla de ruedas
I am in a wheelchair – Estoy en una silla de ruedas
I’m blind –soy ciego
I’m deaf – soy sordo
The ramp – la rampa
The steps/stairs – los pasos
The cobblestones – los adoquines
Handrail – Pasamos
Is there a disabled bathroom? – Hay un baño con discapacidad
Is there an entrance without steps? – Hay una entrada sin escalones
Where is the lift? – ¿Dónde está el ascensor?
Can you help me?– ¿Me puedes ayudar?
Disabled – Handicappato
I’m disabled – Sono disabile
Accessible – Accessibile
Wheelchair – La sedia a rotelle
I am in a wheelchair – Sono in una sedia a rotelle
I’m blind – Sono cieco
I’m deaf – Sono sordi
The ramp – La rampa
The steps/stairs – Le scale
The cobblestones – Le acciottolato
Handrail – corrimano
Is there a disabled bathroom? – C’è un bagno handicappato?
Is there an entrance without steps? – C’è entrata senza scale?
Where is the lift? – Dov’è l’ascensor
Can you help me? – Mi può aiutare?
Disabled – Handicapé
I’m disabled – Je suis handicapé
Accessible – Accessible
Wheelchair – Fauteuil roulant
I am in a wheelchair – Je suis dand un fauteuil roulant
I’m blind – Je suis aveugle
I’m deaf – Je suis sourd
The ramp – La rampe
The steps – Les marches
The stairs – Les escaliers
The cobblestones – Les pavés
Handrail – Rampe
Is there an entrance without steps? – Y a-t-il une entrée sans des marches?
Is there a disabled bathroom? – Y a-t-il une salle de bains handicapée?
Where is the lift? – Où est l’ascenseur?
Can you help me? – Pouvez-vous m’aider?
Disabled – Behindert
I’m disabled – Ich bin behindert
Accessible – Zugänglich
Wheelchair – Rollstuhl
I am in a wheelchair – Ich bin in einem Rollstuhl
I’m blind – Ich bin blind
I’m deaf – Ich bin taub
The ramp – Die Rampe
The steps/stairs – Die Treppe
The cobblestones – Die Kopfsteine
Handrail – Geländer
Is there a handicapped bathroom? – Gibt es ein behindertes Toillete?
Is there an entrance without steps? – Gibt es ein Eingang ohne Treppen?
Where is the lift? – Wo ist der Aufzug?
Can you help me? – Können Sie mir helfen?