On a recent trip to a friends apartment in N. Cyprus we were concerned about the lack of grab bars in the toilet. I sourced a folding toilet frame online from Active Mobility. I was dubious as to whether it would work but we took it on the plane anyway. It went in the hold, free of charge, with British Airways and it was light to carry.
It went well over the toilet and certainly gave me extra support, the only problem was if you didn’t have your feet on the footplate it did move as it was so light. Not to be defeated we got a willing man to strap it tightly to the toilet with plastic tape. Problem solved. I will use it again when visiting places where there are no toilet grab bars. Another ‘strike’ for independence!!
I have a better way to do it. I use an Aquatec9000 toilet seat with armrest. It’s so compact that I can have it in my big suitcase, because I can take the armrest off. It’s very light also. When it’s installed on the toilet, it’s very strong and safe, and it takes no more than 5 minutes to install. Available in 3 different heights – 1,2 or 4″