As this is holiday season I thought we should research carry bags for wheelchairs. Now I have my lovely leather BackBackPack (designed by Brunel in our ‘Style my Chair Competition’contact us  to buy one), I hoped we’d be able to get a similar case for my chair ??. Unfortunately none are in leather as they’re all made of durable fabrics (which I can understand) and are either black or very bright (which I can’t understand – I want stylish and subtle). Any ho here’s what we found, starting with some of the best……

BackBackPack - Luxury Version in Leather, Desired by Able Bodied!
Wheelchair BackBackPack – Luxury Version in Leather, Desired by Able Bodied!

First up is the Biston L.I.T.E. an ergonomically designed wheelchair bag, supplied by Sutherland Health Group Plc. It has a unique folding system for ease of packing along with support handles to help lifting it into a car/plane etc. It comes in blue and purple (we think) and is made of durable fabric that aids the sliding of the bag into a car boot. It’s also recommended by RICA – the WHICH of the disabled world. It retails at £99.99 (incl. VAT) and can also be used for transporting other equipment such as walkers, bed rails etc. It’s sold on Amazon and other selected retailers. You can call Sutherland direct to find out where you can buy, 01635 874488.



Next is from Clonmel Covers in Ireland. ‘Once the wheelchair goes in the bag it is closed with a heavy duty zip and sealed’, keeping it safe from damage and loss of parts – although this has never happened to me before but there’s always a first time. It looks good and is made of heavy duty PVC but may be difficult to lift. You can buy on line or direct from them, at €140 (incl VAT), Tel: 052-6124881, Email:

Next are a couple of OK black covers we found from Just Good Prices but if you search the web I’m sure can find them from other retailers. The Karma Wheelchair bag is on wheels and therefore slightly easier to handle, it’s £39 (ex. VAT) and the imaginatively called, Wheelchair Transport Bag at £62 (ex. VAT).


If you do want a good price for a carry bag we do recommend looking at the Sue Ryder shop online where the prices are from £29-£45.

Finally we found the Wheelchair Caddy form the Troy Technologies, USA which looks really sturdy more like a piece of luggage. It’s $295 and they do ship worldwide 001-877-928-8770. It’s a patented design that allows you to handle the wheelchair without using your back! They say it ‘looks awesome’ and we have to agree but how easy it is to buy we don’t know.

Wheelchair caddy From the USA 'Looks Awesome' & They ship Worldwde
Wheelchair caddy From the USA ‘Looks Awesome’ & They ship Worldwde

If you know of any other good products let us know here………..Happy Wheelchair carrying?!?








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